Taxi Rates.

Roatan Taxi.

Book your taxi ahead of your arrival. One of the most disappointing experiences for visitors is having the negotiate a taxi at their port of entry. Do yourself a favor, book online and we’ll be there with a sign waiting for you. During checkout, please provide the date you wish to receive your taxi service, the cruise ship or airline from which you’ll be arriving, and your arrival or pickup time

Roatan Taxi Service
from $15.00

Taxi Rate Sheet (Chart).

DESTINATION1 Passenger2 Passengers3+ Passengers
Ports/Airport → West Bay$20$25$10 for addition pp
Ports/Airport → West End$20$25$10 for addition pp
Ports/Airport → French Harbour$20$25$10 for addition pp
Ports/Airport → Gumbalimba $20$25$10 for addition pp
Ports/Airport → Sandy Bay$15$20$10 for addition pp

Booking a Taxi.

  • Select your Destination

  • Select “One Way” or “Round Trip

  • Select No. of Passengers

  • Checkout: Provide arrival date, port of entry and arrival or pickup time

PRO TIP: The driver will be holding up a sign with your name on it at the pickup location.

Getting around our island.

There is one road traveling the center of Roatan Island. So Roatan taxi rides are not computed based on mileage driven. Instead, rates are computed based on destination town or destination zone. Here is a list of popular destination and an estimated tariff. 

Need Help Getting to Roatan? →


Mahogany Bay Taxi Association.

While Roatan Taxi drivers are by and large unregulated, many are unionized. And one of the largest unions is the Mahogany Bay Taxi Association (MBTA) which serves the incoming cruise ships to Roatan. The Mahogany Bay Taxi Association publishes their rates, and that gives travelers insight into what an appropriate rates should be.

Know the rates.

  • Taxi Rates

  • Trip Planning

  • Top Destinations

Plan your trip in advance and be prepared. It's both a safety tip and a good practice to know the going rate of taxi rides before visiting Roatan. Taxi drivers are unregulated, and if they smell an uninformed traveler, they'll have no problems asking you to pay a premium. Roatan taxi drivers are hard-working and honest. But it is important to come across as an informed tourist. Put another way round, it won't hurt you to be well informed, but it might cost you dinner if you're clueless. 


Taxi Cabs on Roatan.

ROATAN TAXI RATES can be affordable and can make for an enjoyable way to get around Roatan Island. Roatan Taxi operators have an excellent reputation and are hard working individuals. As in all travels, public transportation can come with its set of challenges and Roatan is no exception. One of the challenges when traveling abroad is avoiding street hustlers and scams. For this reason, we're included rate sheet with destinations and estimates you can expect to pay when traveling around Roatan. 

Transportation Alternatives.

Mini Buses

If you are traveling with a large group, consider taking a "Rapidito." These mini-buses can fit up to 12 passengers, and they will allow you to keep your group together as you get transported around Roatan. 

Car Rentals

Car rentals are also an option, but rates and deposits can be tricky to pin down. If you're considering renting a car in Roatan, we recommend calling well in advance and working out the details ahead of time. It is also advisable to establish a point of contact so that when you arrive, you'll have a specific person to ask for at the counter. Renta A Car companies are not as organized as they are in the US and many times the renter's service agreements is much different than the agreement for US based renters. 

Motorcycles & Scooters

Finally, don't rule out the possibility of renting a scooter or motorcycle. We've all heard of "crazy drivers" in third world countries, but much of the narrative is miss-leading. The fact is, most vehicles travel at an average speed of 35- 45 miles per hour as the terrain and the road conditions do not allow for 75 miles an hour speeds. So motorcycles can out maneuver vehicles, and they don't have issues with finding parking. Remember that most of your community will be less than 20 miles, so the exposure is contained to a small area. 

Cruise Ship Taxi 

Taxi fares are usually by the person when traveling outside of Zone A. But within Zone A, taxi's charge by the cab ride. There is a minimum of $20 per taxi inside of Zone A, and if a cab leaves Zone A, then they switch to a per person rating scheme. Taxi drivers usually call an audible on individuals traveling alone as they want to ensure that rates increase as distances increase, so don't try and be a wise guy if you're traveling alone. Be fair-minded and be prepared. 


Five Taxi Tips

  1. Print the pricing scheme from this website. It is a good idea to keep this handy so that you can show it to the taxi driver as you look to negotiate a fair rate. 

  2. Use a certified taxi. Taxi operators who belong to the taxi union hold themselves to a higher authority. The individual Taxi is normally white with a yellow cab number on the door. Avoid getting into a civilian vehicle offering you a cab ride. Especially in high season, too many are happy to pose as taxi drivers and not all are willing to abide by generally accepted union guidelines. 

  3. Get a reliable source to "call you a cab." If you're staying at a hotel or if you've just arrived on a cruise ship, there are many travel agencies who are in place to support your needs while on the island. These establishments will know who to call as they normally use the same operators for local runs. 

  4. If at all possible, call you cab in advance and establish the rate when booking the service. You'll be less effective if you start this conversation after the taxi is in motion. Remember that your strongest bargaining power is when you are standing outside or when you call in advance. 

  5. Try and use the same cab driver whenever possible. This is not always possible, especially in high season, but most of the time, cab drivers have time and know how competitive the market can be. So they are usually very interested in setting a return time for your pick up. Even if you don't plan on returning for a few hours, still make it a point to set a time for your return trip. Some cab operators will even hold off on charging you until they return as a sign a good fair.